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[RETIRED] When people find recipes online, they bookmark them for later use—but now, through Zest, you can adjust serving sizes, convert unit measurements, and save recipes all in one spot. Just copy and paste the recipe URL into Zest, then customize to your own taste. Don’t make cooking a test, use Zest!

A Comprehensive Food Network Recipe Manager

Project Zest is retired!

Team Zest thanks you very much for your support. Project Zest has exceeded our expectations (and operating budget!) and is now retired.

Thanks for visiting our GitHub Page. Team Happy Cappy is excited to deliver Project Zest, a web-based recipe management tool.

Problem Space

There are many individual services that exist that help make cooking easier, but no single tool incorporates them all. Zest is positioned to do this effectively and with an innovative user experience. Our service incorporates novel features such as adjusting serving sizes, converting unit measurements, and saving recipes all in one spot.


Project Zest is a fully-featured web application that allows people to cook without the hassle of doing any complicated computations. Zest allows users to quickly

  1. Adjust proportion sizes
  2. Convert unit measurements
  3. Save modified recipes

Rather than juggling multiple sites, cook books, and calculators, you can do everything within Zest at a click of a button.

Use Case

Imagine a user is trying to cook a recipe for chicken noodle soup, but is encountering many common cooking issues. A recipe found has ingredients and directions for 2 servings, but our aspiring chef needs to serve a family of 7. Performing such computations is time consuming and it’s almost dinnertime, but yet another problem comes up. Our user’s recipe calls for carrots, but is there is a picky eater tonight!

Zest is designed to intuitively collect recipe information and deliver instant calculations. It’s designed around the user and easily adapts the recipe to the user’s preferences. Ingredients can be removed, modify, or adjusted. As is often needed, units can be converted on the fly. For example, tablespoons to teaspoons or cups to ounces! Don’t make cooking a test, use Zest!


Pre-Production Landing Page

Home Page

Recipe Page

Mobile/Responsive Mockup